
Good conversation always seems to center around good food. That’s why we hold weekly potlucks throughout the school year.
Every Wednesday, a few of us get together to share a friendly meal contributed by the folks who attend. The food is usually homemade and organic. Potlucks are a great way to get to know one another outside the “Sunday morning” venue, experience fellowship, and feel part of a community.
All are welcome! We hope to see you there whether you bring a food dish or just your appetite!
Date and Time: We meet at the church, each Wednesday of the school year, from 6:00 pm until people leave. Please enter through the back door that faces north toward Home State Bank. This is the kitchen and dining room entrance.
Good conversation always seems to center around good food. That’s why we hold weekly potlucks throughout the school year.
Every Wednesday, a few of us get together to share a friendly meal contributed by the folks who attend. The food is usually homemade and organic. Potlucks are a great way to get to know one another outside the “Sunday morning” venue, experience fellowship, and feel part of a community.
All are welcome! We hope to see you there whether you bring a food dish or just your appetite!
Date and Time: We meet at the church, each Wednesday of the school year, from 6:00 pm until people leave. Please enter through the back door that faces north toward Home State Bank. This is the kitchen and dining room entrance.